About Nikki Smith
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me and about my art!
My artwork is strongly influenced by music. I seek to convey the transformative power of music through my art, often combining musical instruments and the human form to tell a story and build an emotional resonance.
I consider myself to be a multi-passionate artist and entrepreneur. There are strong themes that drive my artwork, including music, motion, color, and emotion.
I'm self-taught and love to take a deep dive into new techniques and media. I work in a variety of media from watercolors, digital art, fluid acrylics, mixed-media, photography, collage, assemblage and more.
I've had my artwork and writing published in several magazines and newspapers.
I enjoy teaching art and design, both in person, in print and online (see my blog and Skillshare classes.)
Other Passions: Artist Books

Papercloth Squid Artists Book by Nikki Smith (mixed-media, published in PAGES magazine)
My journey into book arts began with a gift of a beautiful journal from my husband. It was too lovely for me to write in! It stayed on my shelf for many months, nearly untouched.
I was inspired to learn everything I could about making one-of-a-kind, handmade artist books. I love exploring new book forms, structures and bindings. I have found the book arts to be a perfect creative art form, with limitless possibilities for artistic and personal expression.
Featured here is my "Papercloth Squid Book," as published in PAGES magazine. This remains in my personal collection and is one of my favorite artist books to-date.
I hope you enjoy this site, and that it inspires your creative muse! I'd love to hear from you...
Best wishes,
~ Nikki